breakfast is the most important meal of the day

breakfast is the most important meal of the day

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When we were little our mothers insisted that we have at least something before going to school and by now most of us have experienced that a good and healthy breakfast is really important for having a good start into the day.
Unfortunately many of us are constantly in a rush and sometimes simply don’t have the time for a quick breakfast in the morning. It is just about getting the kids ready for school, swallowing down a glass of orange juice and probably having a bit of a bagel.
“No Problem!” you think. Think again!

breakfast is the most important meal of the day
breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Starting you day with an empty stomach is among the worst things you can do as you will soon feel the cravings for something sweet as your blood-sugar levels are low. Like that you won’t make it till lunch, but will find something to nibble on in the meantime.
You won’t have that problem if you eat a healthy breakfast after getting up.
But also for those of you who eat breakfast regularly there might be a need to improve. So many Americans eat unhealthy breakfast consisting of too fatty or too sugary foods.

Bagels with cream cheese, pancakes, pies, fried eggs, sugar cereals – all of these shouldn’t be part of your breakfast. Keep breakfast healthy to stay slim or even lose weight!
One way to start your day in a healthy way would be to have oatmeal with flax seeds and some fruit. That will give you enough energy to start your day. But there are also many other healthy breakfast ideas:

whole-grain, high-fiber cereals

  • yogurt with fresh fruit

  • whole-wheat toast with fruit

  • fruit salad

  • protein shakes

  • cottage cheese with fresh fruit

  • fruit smoothies

  • eggs

  • grain muffins
You see that there are many different options available, and I am sure out of that list you will find a healthy breakfast that suits your taste. If you still need more options you might buy a book on healthy breakfast options to find your perfect start into the day there. You will see that soon after you start to eat breakfast every day you will feel much more energetic and you might even lose weight due to the fact that breakfast speeds up your metabolism.

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